In a world where manhood and fatherhood are being redefined by the day, there’s a timeless figure that stands as a silent beacon of strength and virtue—St. Joseph, the patron saint of fathers, workers and the universal Church. For Catholic men, he is not just a figure from scripture but a symbol of steadfastness whose intercession is sought in times of need, transitions, struggles, and crisis.
- Who is Saint Joseph and why is he relevant to our lives?
- The St. Joseph novena lasts for nine days. How does a 30-day novena to St. Joseph differ?
- St. Joseph the worker: How to pray a St. Joseph novena when looking for a new job or while unemployed?
- Can a St. Joseph novena help in selling a house? Why it’s crucial not to bury a statue of St. Joseph head down?
- Where can I find a St. Joseph shrine to visit?
- What is the significance of the Sleeping St. Joseph, and does the Pope has a statue of Sleeping St. Joseph?
- What does a consecration to St. Joseph involve, and how can I do one?
- Some excellent book recommendations on St. Joseph.
- St. Joseph Pastries: Why it’s ok to enjoy them during Lent?
- St. Joseph and the Mysterious Staircase at the Loretto Chapel.
- What is the Litany of St. Joseph and how to pray the litany of St. Joseph?
- Strengthening Your Faith: The St. Joseph Novena for Men.

Who Is St. Joseph and Why Is He a Powerful Helper for Men and Dads?
St. Joseph is the “foster father” of Jesus and Mary’s husband. In a dream, God revealed to him to take Mary as his spouse and be a father figure to Jesus. Joseph accepted God’s call and trusted in divine providence. His role in the life of Jesus is a story of silent fortitude and trust in the divine, making him a relatable figure for men grappling with the responsibilities of life and fatherhood.
His unconditional care for Jesus and Mary serves as an example for us men who seek guidance in our marriage, relationship with our children, and work. There is no manual for children, and having a role model like Joseph can help us with our own joys and struggles of raising children.
When they are young, we go through sleepless nights, change countless diapers, and handle the chaos of parenthood. As they grow, we transform into the designated Uber drivers shuttling them between soccer, basketball, baseball, track, school events, and more. The teenage years introduce a whole new set of challenges. We find ourselves navigating the uncharted waters of dealing with rowdy and at times disrespectful teenagers, guiding them through life’s pitfalls and the negative influences that lurk in the shadows. It’s a delicate balance as we steer them away from the dangers of social media, peer pressure, substance abuse, inappropriate online content, questionable friendships, and other risks.
Drawing inspiration from St. Joseph, we understand the importance of showering our children with love and unwavering support. When teenagers lack this love, they seek to fill the void with external sources or individuals. Undoubtedly, they will stumble along the way, but it’s our response as fathers that shapes their journey. Our role is to lend a patient ear, build a bond of trust, and create a safe space where they feel comfortable turning to us when faced with temptations.

Why the Need for a 30-Day St. Joseph Prayer?
The St. Joseph novena usually lasts nine days. The word “novena” means nine, hence the nine days. Here you can find a novena for the solemnity of St. Joseph from the USCCB.
The primary difference between a 30-day novena and a 9-day novena to St. Joseph lies in the duration and possibly the specific prayers or intentions involved. Here’s a breakdown:
Prayer brings us closer to God and aligns our will with His. Please do not pray for my will to be done. Let it be done according to Your will, as in the Magnificat prayer.
I usually pray a nine-day novena, but there is also a consecration to St. Joseph that is absolutely fantastic and lasts 33 days. You can find the book Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father” by Donald H. Calloway in the book recommendation section below.
30-day Novena to St. Joseph:
- As the name suggests, this novena spans a period of 30 days, during which participants engage in prayer, reflection, and devotion to St. Joseph.
- The 30-day novena may involve a more extended period of focused prayer and reflection, allowing participants to delve deeper into their intentions and petitions to St. Joseph.
- Participants may choose from various prayers, devotions, and readings related to St. Joseph to incorporate into their daily practice over the 30 days.
- This type of novena can be particularly meaningful for individuals seeking a prolonged period of spiritual growth, guidance, or intercession from St. Joseph.
9-day Novena to St. Joseph:
- A 9-day novena typically follows the more traditional format of novena prayers, lasting for nine consecutive days.
- The 9-day novena may be more condensed compared to the 30-day novena, but it still offers a focused period of prayer and devotion to St. Joseph.
- Participants often recite specific prayers or devotions dedicated to St. Joseph each day for nine days, along with their intentions or petitions.
- This type of novena is commonly practiced leading up to the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19th or on other significant occasions or personal needs.
In summary, both the 30-day novena and the 9-day novena to St. Joseph are forms of prayerful devotion aimed at seeking St. Joseph’s intercession, guidance, or assistance. The primary difference lies in the duration of the novena and possibly the depth of prayer and reflection involved. Ultimately, both novenas offer opportunities for spiritual growth and connection with St. Joseph.

How the St. Joseph Novena Can Help Men Searching for Employment or a New Job
Unemployment and career transitions can be particularly daunting for men, who often carry the weight of the provider role and societal expectations. The St. Joseph novena, a revered tradition, is believed to offer more than just spiritual comfort. It serves as a beacon, guiding individuals towards unforeseen opportunities and instilling patience during the journey of uncertainty.
I firmly believe that in life’s ebb and flow, God allows us to experience dry and challenging moments. The state of being unemployed is undeniably one of these testing times. I have personally walked that path, and I understand the immense stress and difficulty that arises when financial obligations like rent, mortgage, food, and clothing become a struggle. It is during these humbling moments that we learn to accept support and aid from those around us. Trust that in due time, God will unveil the right path for you.
Although the journey may unfold in ways that seem unfamiliar or unsettling to us, it is crucial to remember that God’s plan is at work. St. Joseph, a paragon of provision and protector of families, comprehends the challenges of providing. Turn to St. Joseph, and find solace in his guidance and assistance. Countless individuals within the Catholic community attribute their job searches and successful employment to the intercession of St. Joseph during the sacred novena period.
Can the St. Joseph Novena Help Me Sell My House?
St. Joseph, the patron saint of the home, is widely recognized for his assistance in property sales. Engaging in a novena prayer to St. Joseph can be beneficial, but it’s important to avoid the unnecessary act of burying a statue upside down.
Remember, our focus is not on superstition but on nurturing a meaningful relationship with God, in which St. Joseph can play a supportive role. Opting for a novena prayer over burying a statue has proven effective for many in selling their homes, as shared by acquaintances who have experienced success through this practice.

What Can We Men Learn from St. Joseph?
There are numerous lessons that St. Joseph’s life offers for us men. His humility, obedience, and strength to overcome fear and doubts resonate deeply, urging men to be more devoted, responsible, and to trust in God’s plans even when life’s path seems unclear.
Father Pio, one of my favorite saints, has a motto: Pray, hope, and don’t worry. I remind myself of this motto as I easily get distracted in the daily grind, losing sight of the big picture and realizing that God is in charge. Prayer grants us wisdom and assists in making correct decisions when challenging situations arise.
Sleeping St. Joseph
God created sleep, and we spend approximately one-third of our life asleep. God Himself rested after creating the heavens and the earth (See Gen 2:2-3). God communicated through an angel to St. Joseph in his sleep. The angel told Saint Joseph not to be afraid to take the Virgin Mary as his wife because the child conceived in her was from the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20).
The Angel of the Lord also appeared to Saint Joseph in a dream, warning him to take Jesus and the Virgin Mary to Egypt to escape King Herod (Matthew 2:13), and again instructing him to take the Holy Family back to Nazareth (Matthew 2:19-23). The devotion to the sleeping St. Joseph is a way to ask St. Joseph to intercede on our behalf while he sleeps.
I’ve heard that the Pope has a statue of St. Joseph that he places his intentions under while it’s sleeping. We ask St. Joseph to convey our intentions to God. It’s important to rest, and being a workaholic isn’t beneficial. Many well-known influencers recommend sacrificing sleep for work. However, just like in life, balance is essential, and we shouldn’t feel guilty about resting.

Visiting a St. Joseph Shrine to Deepen One’s Faith
For those seeking a pilgrimage of faith and connection with St. Joseph, visiting one of the many St. Joseph shrines across the world can be a profound and spiritually enriching experience. The practices and prayers at these locations often have an added depth that can lead to powerful insights and grace.
Here is a list of shrines in the USA, and also one in Canada which I believe is the largest shrine in the world dedicated to St. Joseph, worth mentioning as a significant shrine to St. Joseph in North America.
- National Shrine of St. Joseph – St. Louis, Missouri: Shrine of St. Joseph
- St. Joseph’s Oratory – Montreal, Canada: St. Joseph’s Oratory
- St. Joseph’s Shrine – Stirling, New Jersey: St. Joseph’s Shrine
- St. Joseph Shrine – Brooklyn, New York: St. Joseph Shrine
- Shrine of St. Joseph – Erie, Pennsylvania: Shrine of St. Joseph
- St. Joseph Shrine of the Holy Hill – Hubertus, Wisconsin: Shrine of Our Lady of Holy Hill
- St. Joseph’s Shrine – DeWitt, Iowa: St. Joseph’s Shrine
- Shrine of St. Joseph the Worker – Lowell, Massachusetts: St. Joseph the Worker Shrine
- Shrine of St. Joseph – Tiffin, Ohio: Shrine of St. Joseph
- Shrine of St. Joseph – Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Shrine of St. Joseph
Personal Stories of Intervention from the St. Joseph Novena
Countless personal anecdotes exist within the Catholic community, testifying to the miraculous interventions individuals claim to have experienced during their 30-day or 9-day novena to St. Joseph. These stories serve not just as a source of inspiration but as a reminder of the saint’s ability to touch lives in profound and tangible ways.
Deepen Your Love and Understanding of St. Joseph with a Consecration: Strengthen Your Connection to God and your Family.
Deepening one’s relationship with St. Joseph through consecration is a profound step toward spiritual growth. It’s the act of wholeheartedly dedicating oneself to this revered saint, placing trust in his guidance and seeking his intercession.
Although it took me three years to begin my journey with the book Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father” by Donald H. Calloway , it proved instrumental in cultivating a deeper appreciation for St. Joseph and provided solace during my daily struggles. I wholeheartedly recommend this transformative read to all seeking spiritual enrichment.
As men, it’s not uncommon to find it challenging to open up, especially amidst a sea of conflicting advice. However, St. Joseph stands as a beacon of virtue, offering us a path toward becoming better men, husbands, and fathers. Consider joining a prayer group to foster camaraderie and support on this transformative journey.

Some excellent book recommendations about St. Joseph.
For those interested in delving deeper into the life and legacy of St. Joseph, there are many books available that offer valuable insights and perspectives. Some recommendations include:
- Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father” by Donald H. Calloway – This book offers a comprehensive exploration of St. Joseph’s life and role in the Church, along with a 33-day consecration program to deepen one’s devotion to him.
- Joseph, the Man Who Raised Jesus” by Fr. Gary Caster – Fr. Gary Caster delves into the life of St. Joseph, exploring his virtues, his relationship with Jesus and Mary, and his relevance for Christians today.
- St. Joseph: His Life, His Virtues, His Privileges, His Power – This classic book provides a thorough examination of St. Joseph’s life, virtues, and significance in Christian tradition.
- The Life and Glories of St. Joseph” by Edward Healy Thompson – Another classic work by Edward Healy Thompson, this book delves into St. Joseph’s life and virtues, offering spiritual insights and reflections.
- The Father of the Family: A Christian Perspective” by Clayton C. Barbeau – While not exclusively about St. Joseph, this book explores the role of fathers in the family from a Christian perspective, drawing inspiration from St. Joseph’s example.
- St. Joseph and His World” by Mike Aquilina – This book provides historical context to St. Joseph’s life, exploring the culture and society in which he lived, and shedding light on his character and significance.
- St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood: Reflections on the Miracle of the Sun” by Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione and Msgr. Richard J. Colgan – This book connects St. Joseph with the events of Fatima and explores his role as a model of fatherhood and protector of the Church.
- Guardian of the Redeemer (Redemptoris Custos)” by Pope St. John Paul II – This apostolic exhortation, issued by Pope St. John Paul II in 1989, reflects on the figure of St. Joseph in the life of Christ and the Church. In it, Pope John Paul II explores St. Joseph’s role as the guardian of the Redeemer and the model of fatherhood and virtue. The document offers profound insights into St. Joseph’s significance in Christian faith and provides spiritual reflections for readers to deepen their devotion to him.
- The Life of St. Joseph” by Maria Cecilia Baij, O.S.B. Saint Joseph lived in the Divine Light of Sacred Mysteries, a prayer of faith and humility. Explore his humble devotion in Jesus’ revelation to Sister Maria Cecilia Baij in 1736.
St. Joseph Pastries – Zeppole di San Giuseppe
My family adores St. Joseph pastries, known in Italian as Zeppole di San Giuseppe. Our local Italian bakery offers several variations, so I usually buy all of them. When the feast day of St. Joseph occurs during Lent on a weekday, it’s considered a feast day, exempting you from fasting. A few years ago, we started the tradition of buying St. Joseph pastries, enjoying them after dinner. The kids always look forward to it because it means they can have sweets during Lent! Indeed, the feast day of St. Joseph is considered a solemnity by the church. According to church law — specifically canon law 1251, for those interested — you are allowed to eat meat on this day. Thank you, St. Joseph. Discover Bergen Dad’s insightful article on Ash Wednesday.

St. Joseph and the Mysterious Staircase at the Loretto Chapel
When the Loretto Chapel was finished in 1878, builders faced a challenge: how to reach the choir loft 22 feet high. Legend has it that after prayers to St. Joseph, a mysterious carpenter showed up and crafted an extraordinary staircase without nails, using only wooden pegs. The unique design baffles experts with its two 360-degree turns and lack of visible support.
The stairway’s carpenter, whoever he was, built a magnificent structure. The design was innovative for the time and some of the design considerations still perplex experts today.
This miraculous structure draws crowds to the chapel, featured in various media as “Unsolved Mysteries” and a movie called “The Staircase.” You can learn more about the St. Joseph and the Loretto Chapel on their website.
The Litany of St. Joseph: How to pray the Litany of St. Joseph?
In the Litany of Saint Joseph, the Church invokes the most chaste Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the foster father and Guardian of the Redeemer, and patron saint of the Universal Church.
The Committee on Divine Worship has slightly adapted and approved this translation (originally published in 1909) of the St. Joseph litany, which also incorporates the new invocations and alternate introduction and conclusion indicated by the Holy See. You can pray the St. Joseph litany, which is also available on the USSC website.
This litany not only honors St. Joseph but also highlights the significant relationship between St. Joseph and Jesus Christ, emphasizing the spiritual blessings and prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord, that strengthen our connection with Him.

Litany of Saint Joseph
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Illustrious son of David, pray for us.
Light of Patriarchs, pray for us.
Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us.
Guardian of the Redeemer, pray for us.
Pure Guardian of the Virgin, pray for us.
Provider for the Son of God, pray for us.
Zealous defender of Christ, pray for us.
Servant of Christ, pray for us.
Minister of salvation, pray for us.
Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.
Joseph, most just, pray for us.
Joseph, most chaste, pray for us.
Joseph, most prudent, pray for us.
Joseph, most brave, pray for us.
Joseph, most obedient, pray for us.
Joseph, most loyal, pray for us.
Mirror of patience, pray for us.
Lover of poverty, pray for us.
Model for workers, pray for us.
Glory of family life, pray for us.
Guardian of virgins, pray for us.
Cornerstone of families, pray for us.
Support in difficulties, pray for us.
Comfort of the sorrowing, pray for us.
Hope of the sick, pray for us.
Patron of exiles, pray for us.
Patron of the afflicted, pray for us.
Patron of the poor, pray for us.
Patron of the dying, pray for us.
Terror of demons, pray for us.
Protector of the Holy Church, pray for us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
He made him master of his house, and ruler of all his possessions.
Let us pray.
O God, who in your inexpressible providence
were pleased to choose Saint Joseph
as spouse of your most holy Mother,
grant, we pray,
that we, who revere him as our protector on earth,
may be worthy of his heavenly intercession.
Who live and reign for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
Final Thoughts on Invoking the St. Joseph Novena for Men and Family Life
The St. Joseph novena is much more than a traditional set of prayers; it’s a spiritual pilgrimage that strengthens the bond between fatherhood and faith. In invoking the intercession of St. Joseph, men of all walks of life find the encouragement and inspiration needed to walk in faith, be it in the mundane tasks of daily life, the challenges of fatherhood, or the quest for a meaningful existence in the service of their communities. Courage you are not alone! Pray the St. Joseph novena and litany.
Thank you for recommending the book “Consecration to St. Joseph.” It’s been an incredible read, and I truly believe every dad should pick it up. The wisdom and guidance it offers are invaluable. Now, I’m really looking forward to taking the next step and visiting the St. Joseph Shrine in Canada. This pilgrimage feels like a perfect way to deepen my faith and connect more profoundly with St. Joseph. Can’t wait to share the experience with you all!